“Esports in school is catching on as the popularity of esports continues to grow. And while research shows that participation in school activities improves students’ performance and overall well-being, parents and educators have resisted the idea of organized esports in schools. But based on current trends, that may be set to change for the better.”
Davis, C. (2020, June 05). Why Esports in Schools Is a Good Thing. Retrieved from https://www.viewsonic.com/library/education/esports-schools-good/
- Health
- Hand-eye coordination
- Critical thinking
- Problem Solving
- Increased memory capacity
- Scholarships
- High school esports
- Money for schools
- Pathway for industry jobs
- Job skills
Create, Compete, Conquer
Create, Compete, Conquer
The Rise of Champions tournament is a grassroots online-only esports program with REAL competition and REAL prizes. Each competition is separated geographically as players compete for various levels of prizing within their region. Challenge yourself against others from the US Youth Soccer family, or friends, neighbors and competitors from across the country. You can have fun playing in a safe, bully-free environment, PLUS learn the skills you need to improve field knowledge and strategies while battling for the Championship.